12 Car - Mablethorpe & District MC

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12 Car

Events > 12 Car

Why 12 Cars?
Twelve car events as their name suggests involve a maximum of 12 competing cars/crews. This is grass roots motor sport competition at its most basic, where most of the top British drivers and navigators started out. It is a really cheap form of motor sport, anyone can have a go, and the emphasis is on local fun and learning.
You do not need any specialist equipment, a competition licence or fancy vehicles, you can use your road car!


Events normally start at a pub or in a car park. After signing on and paying the entry fee (currently £6) there is often some plotting to do on the map. Car 1 starts at 8.01pm and the others follow at 1 minute intervals. The route is described by hand outs given at time controls that relate to information shown on the Ordnance Survey map. This could be grid references, spot heights, map features or tulip diagrams to name a few.
You will have a certain time to complete each section between time controls without penalty. Along the route you may have to collect details from passage checks (usually old car number plates to be recorded) to prove you have taken the correct route. The winner is the crew that has dropped the least amount of time and has fewest penalties.


Without marshals to man the time controls there is no event. Running a control is a good means of introduction to what goes on from the navigator’s perspective. If you can help out by marshalling, contact the event organiser.


Our 12 cars are always run on a Friday night with an 8pm start. In view of the light nights during the summer, the 12 car series only runs between September and April. Events are organised by club members for club members and invited clubs under a permit obtained from the Motor Sports Association. The route has to be approved by the MSA’s Route Liaison Officer and they are normally between 60 and 90 miles (2-3 hours) long.
Mablethorpe and District Motor Club try to dovetail their events with other local clubs to ensure a monthly event and a number of entries. See the calendar for the start location and the necessary maps.

Our Events

We put on three events over the season:
Autumn Leaves 12 Car
Tour de Fen 12 Car
Snowman 12 Car

These events form part of the Inter-Club Challenge

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